About Me

I am an experienced and highly skilled individual who has dedicated countless hours to honing my craft. With a passion for excellence and an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results, I strive to exceed expectations in everything I do.

Throughout my career, I have acquired a diverse range of skills, allowing me to tackle various challenges with ease and adaptability. From project management to problem-solving, I embrace each opportunity as a chance to grow and improve.

With an extensive background in software-engineer, I have had the privilege of working on numerous high-profile projects while collaborating with talented professionals. These experiences have shaped me into a detail-oriented and innovative individual with a keen eye for quality and a knack for finding creative solutions.

Beyond my technical skills, I am a strong communicator and a collaborative team player. I thrive in environments that foster idea sharing and collaboration, utilizing my interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with clients and colleagues alike. In summary, my experience, skill set, and unwavering dedication make me a valuable asset to any team or project. I am excited to embark on new challenges and contribute to the success of your organization.

Let's collaborate and achieve greatness together!





  • Front-End Developer
    Responsive Website Developer
  • App-development
    Java android based highly secured
  • Data-Structure
    Efficency of code
  • Languages
    python,Java, C, C++, JavaScript, React.jsx ,HTML, CSS
  • A2SV_project
    Responsive Website Developer
  • 2022 Apps achieved
    Student_Attendance, Arbaminch_Fellowship App
  • Generative Ai projects
    Participant of hackathon
  • Ai chatbot
    Self Guidance, pest_detection
  • Udacity Academy
    Data_Structure, Leetcode problem solving
  • Arbamich University
    Undergraduate Software-Engineer
  • Codecademy
  • My Services


    I develop cutting-edge websites with advanced 3D tech,React.jsx and AI chat bots, aiming to exceed client expectations.

    Highly Secured Java Apps

    I deliver ultra-secure Java applications with expertise.

    Efficiency of Code

    I optimize code efficiency for big companies using big O notation principles. By analyzing algorithms and data structures, I enhance performance and scalability. With my expertise, companies achieve faster and more efficient operations, saving valuable time and resources.

    My Work

    AI for Africa's Food website

    The website allows you to plant a suitable crop with guidance of ai chatbot along with pest detection and much more...

    Student Attendance app

    This app reliefs the effort of taking attendance both the time and need of paper and pen.

    Fellowship App

    This app makes the students in university to have a community of council,prayer,team up for academic achievement...

    Contact Me


    +251 982-293-746

    Download CV
    I eagerly await your esteemed feedback!